1. HTML Colors By Name Value
There are various methods to apply colors to HTML markup to enhance visual appeal. Among these methods is the use of HTML5 colors by name value. In this HTML reference tutorial, we will provide you with a list of all the HTML5 colors that are easily accessible by their names e.g green. As implied by its name, this method involves simply specifying the color name without delving into complexities such as HEX or RGB values. Therefore, forget scrambling through HEX values and RGB formulas! HTML colors by name empower you to breathe life into your web pages with simple, intuitive names like goldenrod or midnightblue leaving the color theory complexities behind.
We can simply use a color name as in the below example.
<div style="color: black; background: AliceBlue;"> ....content.... </div>
2. HTML Color Names
Below is a comprehensive reference list of HTML colors categorized by their name values. These names are universally supported by all browsers, ensuring optimal compatibility and ease of use for seamless integration across web platforms.
3. Reference Resources
In order to accumulate this humungous reference of HTML colors list, we gathered latest and updated resources from the below websites.
- The first website is w3schools, which helped alot to compile this list.
- HTMLcolorcodes was also helpful to finalize our list of HTML color names.
- Lastly, the official source w3.org was resourceful to create this ultimate referene of HTML colors.