1. Ultimate Reference For CSS Functions

This ultimate and updated reference tutorial contains a complete list of CSS functions that we can manipulate while defining properties in CSS language declarations. This comprehensive function guide covers everything from basic to advanced functions used in CSS and CSS3 language.

2. Alphabetical Reference of CSS Functions

Dive into the alphabetically organized list of all CSS functions for painless developer reference. Each function has a brief description, giving you a general understanding of its functionality and application.

Function Description Category
abs() Calculates the absolute value of a number. Math
acos() Get the trigonometric inverse cosine of a number. Math
asin() Get the trigonometric inverse sine of a number. Math
atan() Get the trigonometric inverse tangent of a number. Math
atan2() Get the trigonometric inverse tangent of two-numbers in a plane. Math
attr() It uses the attribute's value defined inside an element. Reference
blur() It increases the gaussian blur of an image. Filter
brightness() This function increases, decreases, or adjusts the brightness of an image. Filter
calc() Calculates the value of a property using basic arithmetic calculations. Math
character-variant() Find specific stylistic alternatives for characters. Font
circle() Creates a circle circle> in CSS. Shape
clamp() Binds a value between an upper and lower bound. Math
color() Defines a particular, specified colorspace rather than the absolute sRGB colorspace. Color
color-contrast() Select the highest color contrast from a list of colors, and compare it to a base color value. Color
color-mix() Mixes two color values in a given colorspace by a given amount. Color
conic-gradient() Creates a conical gradient that transitions around a center point. Image
contrast() This function increases or decreases the image contrast. Filter
cos() Get the trigonometric cosine of a number. Math
counter() Define an increment or decrement of a counter value. Counter
counters() Creates nested counters, returning a concatenated string representing the current values of the named counters, if there are any. Counter
cross-fade() Creates a cross-fade transition between two images. Image
cubic-bezier() It creates a cubic Bézier curve. Animation
device-cmyk() Defines CMYK colors in a device-independent way. Color
drop-shadow() Applies a drop shadow effect to an element's box. Filter
element() References another element in a shadow tree. Image
ellipse() Defines an ellipse shape for use within a CSS property. Shape
env() Uses the user-agent defined as environment variable. Reference
exp() It calculates e raised to the power of a number. Math
fit-content() Clamps a given size to an available size according to the formula min(maximum size, max(minimum size, argument)). Grid
greyscale() This function transforms an image to grayscale. Filter
hsl() Defines colors using hue, saturation, and lightness values. Color
hsla() It defines colors using hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha transparency values. Color
hue-rotate() It modifies the overall hue of an image. Filter
hwb() Defines a given color according to its hue, whiteness, and blackness components. Color
hypot() Calculates the square root of the sum of the squares of its arguments. Math
image() Defines an image value for use within a CSS property. Image
image-set() Picks the most appropriate CSS image from a given set, primarily for high pixel density screens. Image
inset() Defines an inset value for use within a CSS property. Shape
invert() Inverts the colors of an image. Filter
lab() Defines a given color according to its lightness, a-axis, and b-axis distance in the lab colorspace. Color
lch() Defines a color according to its lightness, chroma, and hue components. Color
light-dark() It returns one of the two provided colors based on the current color scheme. Color
linear() An easing function that interpolates linearly between its points. Animation
linear-gradient() Defines a linear gradient that transitions in a straight line. Image
log() Get the logarithm of a number using this function.
matrix() Defines a 2D transformation as a matrix of six values. Transform
matrix3d() Defines a 3D transformation as a matrix of 16 values. Transform
minmax() This function declares a size range greater-than or equal-to min and less-than or equal-to max. Grid
min() It returns the minimum value from a list of comma-separated values. Math
max() It returns the maximum value from a list of comma-separated values. Math
mod() Calculates a modulus (with the same sign as the divisor) when dividing one number by another. Math
oklab() Defines a given color according to its lightness, a-axis distance, b-axis distance in the lab colorspace, and alpha (transparency). Color
oklch() Defines a specified color according to its lightness, chroma, and alpha (transparency) components. Color
opacity() It adds transparency to an image. Filter
ornaments() This function enables ornaments such as fleurons and other dingbat glyphs. Font
paint() Defines an <image> value generated with a PaintWorklet. Image
path() Creates a shape in CSS using a series of path commands. Shape
perspective() Sets the distance between the user and the z=0 plane. Transform
polygon() Creates a polygon shape in CSS. Shape
pow() Calculates the base raised to the power of a number. Math
radial-gradient() Creates a radial gradient that transitions outwards from a center point. Image
rect() Creates a rectangle shape using the distances from the top and left edges of the reference box. Shape
rem() It calculates a remainder (with the same sign as the dividend) when dividing one number by another. Math
repeat() Repeats a value a specified number of times. Grid
repeating-conic-gradient() Creates a repeating conical gradient background. Image
repeating-linear-gradient() It creates a repeating linear gradient background. Image
repeating-radial-gradient() Creates a repeating radial gradient background. Image
rgb() Defines colors using , , and values. Color
rgba() Defines colors using , , , and alpha transparency values. Color
rotate() Rotates an element around a fixed point. Transform
rotate3d() Rotates an element around an arbitrary axis in 3D space. Transform
rotateX() It rotates an element around its X-axis. Transform
rotateY() Rotates an element around its Y-axis. Transform
rotateZ() Rotates an element around its z-axis. Transform
round() It calculates a rounded number based on a rounding strategy. Math
saturate() Modifies the overall saturation of an image. Filter
scale() Use this function to scale up or down an element by a specified factor. Transform
scale3d() It scales an element in three dimensions. Transform
scaleX() Scales an element along the x-axis. Transform
scaleY() Scales an element along the y-axis. Transform
scaleZ() It scales an element along the z-axis. Transform
scroll() Sets the animation timeline of an element to an anonymous scroll progress timeline. Animation
sepia() It increases the sepia of an image. Filter
sin() Get the trigonometric sine of a number. Math
sign() Get the sign (positive or negative) of the specified number. Math
skew() Skews an element along the X and Y axes. Transform
skewX() It skews an element along the x-axis. Transform
skewY() Skews an element along the y-axis.
sqrt() Calculates the square root of a number. Math
steps() Iteration along a specified number of stops along the transition, displaying each stop for equal lengths of time. Animation
stylistic() Enables stylistic alternates for individual characters. Font
styleset() It enables stylistic alternatives for sets of characters. Font
swash() Enables swash glyphs. Font
symbols() Defines the counter styles inline, directly as the value of a property. Counter
tan() Get the trigonometric tangent of a number. Math
translate() Translates an element along the X and Y axes. Transform
translate3d() Translates an element in three dimensions. Transform
translateX() It translates an element along the x-axis. Transform
translateY() Translates an element along the y-axis. Transform
translateZ() Translates an element along the z-axis. Transform
url() Defines a URL value for use within a CSS property. Reference
var() Defines a custom property or variable in CSS. Reference
view() Sets the animation timeline of an element to an anonymous view progress timeline. Animation
xywh() Defines a rectangle shape using the specified distances from the top and left edges of the reference box and the rectangle width and height. Shape

3. Reference Links

To create this extensive and regularly updated reference of all CSS functions, we gathered information from many reliable sources as listed below.

  • We got help from MDN to sort out this ultimate list of CSS functions.
  • We found valuable resources on W3Schools to verify the authenticity of CSS functions.
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